
Drinking Statistics - Binge Drinking

In Isla Vista alone it is estimated that beer consumption is more than 9000 kegs a year. College students are infamous for binge drinking. Binge drinking is considered to be five or more drinks for men and four or more drinks for women over a period of two hours.

According to a survey by Lansdowne Market Research for the Department of Health and Children, binge drinking in Ireland occurs more often than in other European countries. The survey reported that in Ireland, the occurrence of binge drinking at least once a week is 48 percent among men and 16 percent among women. The corresponding figures for England are 38 and 12 percent. Additionally, the number of occasions of binge drinking in Ireland is about 3-4 times higher than what is found in the other European countries. They also found that out of 100 drinking occasions in Ireland, 58 of those were binge drinking for men and 30 for women. These were the highest figures among the surveyed countries.

According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 90% of the alcohol consumed by youth under the age of 21 in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. About 75% of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks. Additionally, the proportion of current drinkers that binge is highest in the 18 to 20 year old group (51%). Although there is no survey for Isla Vista binge drinking, from what I have seen and experienced 98% of the time that students drink, it is in the form of binge drinking. Binge drinking has become an identifying aspect of both Irish and Isla Vista culture. Whenever people think of either people of Ireland or Isla Vista , they automatically have the notion that these people drink a lot.

Unfortunately, there are many risks associated with binge drinking. Some of which are alcohol poisoning, sexually transmitted diseases, and bodily injuries.
The majority of binge drinkers often drink as a group, viewing it as a fun, social activity. However, participants usually end up engaging in dangerous and risky behavior.

What truly makes a city like Dublin or Isla Vista are the people that live in it. The students of UCSB are going through a transformational phase in their lives as were several of the characters in Ulysses. There are many lost souls that find comfort and temporary relief in alcohol and binge drinking. Alcohol blurrs the truth and is an escape from reality. It gives the drinker a sense of satisfaction and confidence. Yet what I have come to realize is that binge drinking is to be unsatisfied with yourself and your life or circumstances. It is not fulfilling and does not provide any real substance because it is only a temporary fix.

Joyce was a binge drinker and was known for having to be carried out of the pubs because he would get so drunk that he would not be able to walk after drinking. Excessive drinking like Joyce has been and continues to be an issue in cultures around the world.

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